Your doors are a critical line of defense between you and unwanted intruders. You should take care of them and it makes sense to keep them well-maintained and in good condition. So, look for situations and circumstances where you must get them replaced. Especially, if you haven’t changed your lock for over 20 years- well that can be a call for trouble, my friend!

Lose House Keys

Call our Calgary locksmith immediately if you lose a house key. You never know who has them. It does not matter whether you find them the next day or not. You should immediately reach out to a locksmith and get your locks changed.


If you have moved to a new house, get your locks changed as soon as possible. You never know how many spare keys the previous owner has! Even if you think the previous owner is trustworthy, still a little skepticism always remains. It is being better safe than sorry.


If you recently faced a break-in in your house, well it is time to change your locks. Moreover, this is a good reminder that your locks and security were not enough. It was easy for the intruders to sneak in. Make sure to never have this unfortunate event repeated again in the future.


Yes, breaking up is hard but you have to stay practical too. Even if you spent years with that person, your privacy should not be invaded at any cost. If you are not comfortable with the person coming over to your house with a spare key, get your locks changed. And, just taking keys from them will not be enough. You do not know how many spares they already have.

Made Many Copies

There are situations often where you make several copies of a key and give it to respective people to perform their respective job. First of all, avoid such cases. However, even if they already have occurred, lock up a locksmith and get your locks changed immediately as soon as you realize it.

For any circumstances, we Calgary 247 Locksmith are at your service. Call us anytime for any lock-related emergency you feel threatened by.