Every homeowner wants to keep their home, family and belongings safe and secure. And, for that they make their best efforts, from installing high security locks to CCTV cameras, they do it all. These days, even the burglars are well-versed with the latest technology and tools, helping them gain entry into your home. That’s why, it is vital to keep your security system upgraded in order to ”burglar proof” your home. Our emergency locksmiths Calgary have suggested a few tips to help homeowners keep their home secure for years to come.


  • Make sure you have plenty of lighting.
  • Trim the bushes and trees to eliminate any dark or hiding spot.
  • Deter intruders by using signage like “No Trespassing”, “Beware of Dog.”


  • Draw the curtains and blinds to prevent anyone from observing your home.
  • Make sure to lock the windows when leaving home.
  • Install a window film to make your glass tough to break.
  • Replace the damaged screens as they can make your home vulnerable.


  • Install deadbolts to every exterior door.
  • Door jamb should be reinforced with wood and long screws.
  • Consider a dowel placed in the frame of glass sliding doors to prevent opening.
  • Replace all the screens and ensure that the insure locks are functional.
  • It is good to replace screen doors with security doors that are made of steel or iron.

Keys and Key Control:

  • Make sure you never give out a spare key to a neighbor. You can place it in the locking boxes mounted to a door or garage.
  • It is advised to not to leave the keys inside your vehicle when it is parked outside the house.
  • Avoid keeping the keys in the open when shopping, socializing, or visiting friends or co-workers.
  • Make sure you have a spare car key or house key in your wallet or pocket-book.

Other Security tips for the Home:

  • Make sure all of your doors have a peep-hole viewer to identify visitors before opening the door.
  • Avoid theft by adding a locking mail drop box.
  • Always keep the important documents locked in a quality safe.
  • CCTV or surveillance cameras are now affordable and easy to install. They are excellent deterrents and can help reach the criminal after the crime.
  • Install a basic burglary alarm system.

These essential security tips will help you keep your home safe and secure for years to come. If you want to replace the security system of your place, you can contact our locksmith Calgary at Calgary 24/7 Locksmith. We have a team of skilled professionals committed to providing high quality locksmith services in Calgary.